Best wholesale and hardware price of cement in Uganda today 2024

Amidst Uganda's burgeoning infrastructure development, cement stands as a cornerstone of progress. The fluctuating landscape of cement prices in Uganda, a pivotal factor in construction, embodies a story of dynamic forces impacting the industry. Current wholesale prices reveal the ebb and flow of key cement brands like Tororo, Hima, Kampala, and Simba, each bearing its weight in the construction market. Cement production, while essential for growth, grapples with limitations, including environmental concerns and carbon emissions. Understanding the factors driving these price fluctuations in Uganda unveils a complex interplay of raw materials, energy costs, demand-supply dynamics, competition, and government policies shaping this critical sector's trajectory.

wholesale prices of cement in Uganda today 2023

Tororo cement bag -33000-35000

Hima cement bag -32000-35000

Kampala cement bag -28000-30000

Simba cement bag - 30000 - 32000

white cement bag - 70000 - 75000

promix white cement bag 25kgs - 60000

Skim cement coat for filler boards gypsum wall - 42000 - 45000

leak seal and doctor fixit cement bag 6000 - 7000

PVC cement for plastic pipe 15000

calcium lime cement bag - 40000 - 43000

fire cement bag - 240000

Cement production

Infrastructure development is estimated to grow 70% by 2040 in Uganda, for this development to go as planned, building materials are expected to level up to standards for the production. Cement is a crucial factor in such infrastructure but it’ production comes with limitations.

You can find: how many bags of cement to construct a 1 storied bedroom house and how many bags of cement to construct a 2 storied flat

Cement production emits a lot of carbon dioxide. Waste management done by working a range of manufacturing, processing and service industries, including paint companies, beverage companies, oil and gas for the reuse of waste.

Co-processing of waste for decades developed innovative and tailored industrial and municipal waste management services for a wide range of customers. Reusing such waste materials can lead to zero waste management.

wholesale prices of hima ,white, waterproof, torororo, fundi, simba and kampala cement

how much is a 50kg bag of cement in uganda? Uganda has a list of 4 cement leading companies, namely Hima, Tororo, Simba and kampala cement. These companies are the main suppliers of Uganda.

wholesale price of Hima cement

hima cement

hima cement bag priced at 32000 - 35000

Hima is a cement manufacturing company in Uganda located between Kasese and fort-portal governed by the Holcim Group.

Vision and mission: Provides concrete based solutions for building in East Africa. Has provided innovative solution and world class solutions through a safe and green environment.

wholesale price of Tororo cement 2023

tororo cement

Tororo cement bag priced at 32000 - 35000

Tororo cement with annual production capacity of 3 million tonnes per year. Located in Tororo district. Tororo cement manufactures cement and steel products like galvanized roof sheets, galvanized nails, binding wires and many other steel products.

Vision and mission: committed to manufacturing and marketing by building long lasting products for customer satisfaction and international demand.

wholesale price of Kampala cement.

kampala cement

kampala cement bag priced at 28000 - 32000

Kampala cement entered the market in 2015 with production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes annually. Located between Mukono and lugazi.

Vision and mission: ensuring customer satisfaction, enhancing professionalism and world class business relationships, ensuring Quality Management System (QMS).

wholesale price of Simba cement.

simba cement

Simba cement bag priced at 30000 - 35000

Simba cement (National Cement – Devki Group) strength within is a cement company located in Tanzania but with a branch in uganda. Produces 1.25 million tonnes annually, Simba cement is located 15 km from tanga city and has the lime stone raw material at site. Simba cement is licensed under Tanzania cement standard, East Africa and European Union.

Vision and mission: to become East Africa’s main producer and distributor with interest in customer satisfaction.

wholesale price of PVC pipe cement.

pvc cement

PVC pipe cement bag priced at 15000

PVC cement, primarily used in plumbing, works via a solvent-based formula that softens and fuses PVC pipes and fittings together. It contains a solvent that softens the PVC surfaces, allowing them to meld when joined.

The solvent evaporates, leaving a strong, permanent bond. PVC cement is manufactured in various locations globally, including the United States, Europe, and Asia, among others, by companies specializing in chemical formulations for industrial and construction purposes.

wholesale price of fire factory cement.

pvc cement

Fire cement bag priced at 240000

Fire cement, designed for high-temperature applications like furnaces and fireplaces, works through a refractory composition that withstands extreme heat. This cement is made from inorganic materials like calcium aluminate, silicate, and finely ground firebrick. When exposed to heat, it hardens and creates a fireproof seal.

Fire cement is produced by specialized companies worldwide, often formulated in locations known for refractory material production, such as the United States, Europe, China, and India, among other regions with strong industrial manufacturing sectors.

wholesale price of calcium lime cement.

pvc cement

calcium lime cement bag priced at 240000

Hima Cement, based in Uganda, produces calcium lime cement, renowned for its durability and versatility in construction. This cement is manufactured from limestone and other raw materials, undergoing a heating process to produce calcium oxide (lime). Through hydration, the lime reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide, bonding with other elements to create calcium lime cement.

Hima Cement's calcium lime cement is manufactured at its plants in Uganda, utilizing locally sourced raw materials and modern production techniques to meet construction demands in the region.

wholesale price of skim cement for gypsum walls and boards.

skim cement

skim cement bag priced at 45000

Skim cement, used in construction for finishing and smoothing surfaces, is typically composed of a blend of fine aggregates, cement, and additives. It's manufactured by mixing Portland cement with powdered additives like polymers or resins. These additives improve adhesion, workability, and finishing properties.

In Uganda, local construction companies and cement manufacturers produce skim cement using a combination of locally sourced materials and imported additives, meeting the growing demand for high-quality surface finishing materials in the construction industry.

wholesale price of leak seal cement.

leak seal cement

leak seal cement bag priced at 5000 - 7000

Leak seal cement is formulated with flexible compounds like silicone or rubber, designed to seal leaks and cracks in various materials, such as roofs, pipes, or tanks. This specialized cement is manufactured by blending elastomeric polymers, fillers, and adhesives to create a pliable compound.

In Uganda, several local and international manufacturers produce leak seal cement, often incorporating waterproofing agents to enhance its effectiveness in sealing leaks, preventing water ingress, and providing durable solutions for various construction and maintenance applications.

wholesale price of white cement.

white cement

white cement bag priced at 75000

White cement is a specialized variety derived from raw materials low in iron and other metallic oxides, offering a high degree of whiteness. It's produced through careful selection of limestone and clay minerals, ensuring minimal presence of colorants. Manufacturers employ stringent quality control measures during the production process.

In Uganda, companies like Hima Cement produce white cement. This type of cement finds use in architectural applications, decorative concrete, and terrazzo flooring due to its purity and ability to produce bright, clean finishes.

wholesale price of promix cement.

promix cement

promix cement bag priced at 60000

Promix cement is a high-performance construction material developed by combining Portland cement with additives like polymers or accelerators. Manufactured by various companies globally, it aims to enhance the durability and strength of structures by improving workability and reducing water demand during mixing.

Promix cement is designed to optimize construction processes, offering better adhesion, reduced shrinkage, and increased resistance to harsh environmental conditions. In Uganda, several local and international manufacturers produce Promix cement to meet the demands of the construction industry for reliable and versatile cement solutions.

What are the effects of cement industries in community?

Cement factories in community based areas have a large impact due to production effects like:

  • Noise and dust pollution due running quarry machines. This is being solved by putting in a site selection consideration before the factory is set up. Find a place a few distance from the community.
  • Emission of polluted gases when quarrying. Purchasing equipment’s to trap and separate exhaust gases on the process of manufacturing cement. .
  • Cement production is rated to produce 5% of the global man made fuel and chemical emissions. But due to technology increment, the new types of cement can dissolve emitted carbon dioxide when hardening. .
  • High consumption of fuels and raw materials. Coal was the major primary fuel to run the machines .

How much is a bag of cement in Uganda 2023?

The leading dominant players such as Hima (LafargeHolcim), simba and Tororo cement are costing between 30000 -35000 while kampala cement cost 28000-30000 on retail stores.

However, kampala and Simba cement are scarce in distribution across the nation but could be the best options with less prices.

where can i buy or get cement in Uganda

where can I get cement? Getting cement in Uganda is so easy unless you want a specific brand and a factory price. Reach out to the nearest hardware store close to you.

why is cement price increasing in Uganda?

price increase or hiking in cement is an effect of shortage of power supply leading to expensive production costs like running generators to keep the production going.

factors causing cement price fluctuations in uganda

The fluctuation in cement prices in Uganda has been attributed to several factors, causing volatility in the market. According to online sources and industry experts, several key elements contribute to these price fluctuations:

Raw Material Costs. Cement production heavily relies on raw materials like limestone, gypsum, clay, and other additives. Any changes in the prices of these materials can significantly impact the overall cost of cement production, subsequently affecting market prices.

Energy Costs. The energy-intensive process of cement manufacturing, particularly electricity and fuel costs, plays a vital role in determining the final price. Fluctuations in energy prices can directly influence production expenses, leading to fluctuations in retail prices.

Transportation Costs. The transportation of raw materials and finished cement products from manufacturing plants to distribution centers and retail points incurs expenses. Any changes in fuel prices or transportation logistics can contribute to the volatility in cement prices.

Demand and Supply Dynamics. The demand for cement varies due to changes in construction activities, infrastructure projects, or housing developments. When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. Conversely, an oversupply situation might lead to price reductions as producers attempt to clear inventory.

Market Competition. The presence of multiple cement manufacturers and brands in the Ugandan market affects pricing. Intense competition among these manufacturers can lead to price wars or price adjustments to gain market share, impacting overall pricing strategies.

Government Policies and Taxes. Government policies, taxation, import duties on raw materials, or changes in regulations within the cement industry can directly influence production costs, affecting the final retail prices.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations. Given that some raw materials or machinery used in cement production are imported, currency fluctuations or changes in exchange rates can impact costs, thereby influencing the final retail price of cement.

Seasonal Demands. Construction activities tend to vary seasonally. Cement demand might increase during peak construction periods, leading to temporary price surges.

Also find costs to build 2 bedroom house in uganda

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Hi,am Karueddie working with Edremedy solutions Ltd as a property manager and palm oil broker. i am also a golf addict and love the game as my main hobby. Feel free to contact me
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